Hair Vitamins for fast hair growth

Hair vitamins have become so advanced and well formulated that they can solve almost any hair issue. But some of the most popular brands are really more salon style beauty products (like Hair Formula 37) for longer hair rather than for the common notion of stopping or curing thinning hair.

In fact, if you mention to someone that you are taking hair vitamins supplements they are likely to think your hair is thinning, but really you could have great looking hair already! Maybe you just want to grow longer hair, or make it look more healthy and shiny. Here are a few things hair vitamins can do or create:


  • fast hair growth
  • long hair
  • heal damaged hair
  • protect color treated hair
  • stop thinning hair

And the list goes on. So the obvious question is how? Common knowledge lends itself to thinking your hair is going to be much more effected by what you rub on top of (shampoo, conditioner, serums and so on) than by taking a pill. But if we think about what hair vitamins actually contain, it is all meant to supplement your current diet. And if most people are being honest, their diets probably aren't ideal in the first place.

That spells trouble for your hair, as it's typically the last in line to get nourishment after everything else in the body uses all the nutrients you consume. So the main purpose of hair vitamins is actually to supplement the nutrients in your diet. This in turn will cause the hair that grows moving forward to be longer, stronger and healthier.

But what about fast hair growth? Can hair vitamins really cause that? Actually they can. Your hair grows at a typical rate of 1/2 inch per month. This is fairly average in terms of what properly nourished hair can really do. Hair that is extra healthy can actually grow at a rate of up to double (2X) that each month! It really is quite amazing what fast hair growth looks like when you know what your doing.

This site is a resource for anyone wondering about which hair vitamins are the best and where to get the most popular ones.